* @version 1.0.0 */ /* * ChangeLog: * ---------- * 2012-11-09 v1.0.0 Upgraded to use namespaces and be compliant with PSR-0. See http://www.php-fig.org/ * 2012-10-23 v0.10.0 Updaetd argLoop method to handle a maximum recursion depth. * 2012-09-06 v0.9.1 Added a few label comments. * 2012-09-04 v0.9.0 Setup parameters echo_html, echo_output, file_html, and file_output to manage output channel and style. * 2012-09-02 v0.8.0 Fixed $backtrace creation for the __exception_handler method. Added HTML output and CSS handling. * 2012-09-01 v0.7.0 Fixed $backtrace creation for the __error_handler method. * 2012-09-31 v0.6.0 Initial Script Creation * * ToDo: * ----- * [ ] Optionaly parse error_reporting() for the __error_handler method. * [ ] Make factory method to turn Logger into a Singleton with instances that can have * unique settings per instance which access the Singleton. Or something along those lines. * [ ] Use bitwise logic to allow unique log level options. */ namespace RuneImp\STF; class Logger { // CLASS CONSTANTS // const CLASS_AUTHOR = 'RuneImp '; const CLASS_VERSION = '1.0.0'; const LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 0xF; const LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 0x8; const LOG_LEVEL_WARN = 0x4; const LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 0x2; const LOG_LEVEL_FATAL = 0x1; // CLASS PROPERTIES // public $css_class = ''; public $css_inline = 'margin:0;'; public $debug_object = false; public $echo_html = false; public $echo_output = false; public $file_html = false; public $file_output = false; // CLASS VARIABLES // protected $include_functions = array('include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once'); protected $log_file; protected $log_level; protected $max_recursion_depth = 10; private static $old_error_handler = null; private static $old_exception_handler = null; public function __construct($log_level=null, $log_file=null) { $this->props = array(); $this->props['log_file'] = 5; $this->props['log_level'] = 5; // $version_lower = (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.6', '<') ? 'true' : 'false'); // echo '
'.__METHOD__."() \$version_lower: {$version_lower}
\n"; $this->setLogLevel($log_level, $log_file); // Set the User Defined Error and Exception Handler // if(Logger::$old_error_handler === null) Logger::$old_error_handler = set_error_handler(array($this, '__error_handler'), (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE)); if(Logger::$old_exception_handler === null) Logger::$old_exception_handler = set_exception_handler(array($this, '__exception_handler')); } public function argLoop($obj, $depth=0) { if($depth > $this->max_recursion_depth) return 'Max recursion '.$this->max_recursion_depth.' already reached.'; $result = ''; $indent = str_repeat(" ", $depth); switch(gettype($obj)) { case 'boolean': $result = $obj ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; break; case 'integer': case 'double': case 'float': case 'string': $result = $obj; break; case 'null': case 'NULL': $result = 'NULL'; break; case 'array': $result = "Array"; $propStr = ''; foreach($obj as $k=>$v) { $propStr .= $indent.' ['; if(gettype($k) == 'string') $propStr .= "'".$k."'"; else $propStr .= $k; $propStr .= '] => '.$this->argLoop($v, $depth+1)."\n"; } if(!empty($propStr)) $result .= "\n".$indent."(\n".$propStr.$indent.')'; else $result .= '(empty)'; break; case 'object': $className = get_class($obj); $result = "{$className} Object"; $props = array(); if($obj instanceof IteratorAggregate || method_exists($obj, 'getIterator')) $props = $obj->getIterator(); else if($obj instanceof Traversable) $props = &$obj; else $props = get_object_vars($obj); $propStr = ''; // $props = get_class_vars($className); foreach($props as $k=>$v) $propStr .= $indent.' ['.$k.'] => '.$this->argLoop($v, $depth+1)."\n"; if(!empty($propStr)) $result .= "\n".$indent."(\n".$propStr.$indent.')'; else $result .= '(no properties)'; break; case 'resource': $result = get_resource_type($obj).' Resource'; break; default: $result = 'unknown type'; } return $result; } public function setLogLevel($log_level=null, $log_file=null) { if($log_level === null) $log_level = defined('STF_LOG_LEVEL') ? STF_LOG_LEVEL : self::LOG_LEVEL_WARN; if($log_file === null && defined('STF_LOG_PATH')) { $log_file = STF_LOG_PATH.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if(defined('STF_LOG_FILE')) $log_file .= STF_LOG_FILE; else $log_file .= 'stf_common.log'; } $this->log_level = $log_level; $this->log_file = $log_file; } public function debug() { $args = func_get_args(); $backtrace = debug_backtrace($this->debug_object); // echo "
".__METHOD__."(".print_r($args, true).")
\n"; $this->log($args, self::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, $backtrace); } public function __error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) { // TODO // // Error Levels: E_ERROR, E_WARNING, E_PARSE, E_NOTICE, E_ALL, E_STRICT (not part of E_ALL), E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR (5.2.0), E_DEPRECATED and E_USER_DEPRECATED (5.3.0) // error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); // $error_reporting = error_reporting(); $backtrace = array(); $backtrace[] = array( 'class'=>null, 'type'=>null, 'file'=>$errfile, 'line'=>$errline, 'function'=>null, 'args'=>null ); $msg = '['.$errno.'] '.$errstr; // $msg = $errstr; $args = array($msg); $this->log($args, self::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $backtrace); } public function __exception_handler($e) { $backtrace = array( 'class'=>null, 'type'=>null, 'file'=>$e->getFile(), 'line'=>$e->getLine(), 'function'=>null, 'args'=>null ); $traces = $e->getTrace(); // echo '$backtrace: '.STF_Util::loop($backtrace)."\n"; // echo '$traces: '.STF_Util::loop($traces)."\n"; foreach($traces as $k=>$trace) if(array_key_exists('function', $trace)) if(in_array($trace['function'], $this->include_functions)) if(empty($traces[$k]['args'])) $traces[$k]['args'] = array($backtrace['file']); else if(!in_array($backtrace['file'], $traces[$k]['args'])) $traces[$k]['args'][] = $backtrace['file']; if(!$this->debug_object && array_key_exists('object', $trace)) unset($trace['object']); $backtrace = array($backtrace); $backtrace = array_merge($backtrace, $traces); // echo '$backtrace: '.STF_Util::loop($backtrace)."\n"; $msg = '['.$e->getCode().'] '.$e->getMessage(); $args = array($msg); $this->log($args, self::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, $backtrace); return false; } public function error() { $args = func_get_args(); $backtrace = debug_backtrace($this->debug_object); // echo "
".__METHOD__."(".print_r($args, true).")
\n"; $this->log($args, self::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $backtrace); } public function fatal() { $args = func_get_args(); $backtrace = debug_backtrace($this->debug_object); // echo "
".__METHOD__."(".print_r($args, true).")
\n"; $this->log($args, self::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, $backtrace); } public function info() { $args = func_get_args(); $backtrace = debug_backtrace($this->debug_object); // echo "
".__METHOD__."(".print_r($args, true).")
\n"; $this->log($args, self::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $backtrace); } protected function formatLogHTML($log, $level=null) { $log_msg = htmlentities($log, ENT_COMPAT|ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8'); $log = '
		return $log;

	protected function getClassMethod($backtrace, $show_args)
		$logger_methods = array('debug', 'info', 'log', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal');

		// echo 'getClassMethod($backtrace): '.STF_Util::loop($backtrace)."\n";
		$class_method = '';
		foreach($backtrace as $trace)
			if(!empty($trace['class']) && !empty($trace['function']))
				if($trace['class'] !== __CLASS__)
					if(!in_array($trace['function'], $this->include_functions))
						$class_method .= $trace['class'].'::'.$trace['function'];
						if($show_args && !empty($class_method) && !empty($trace['args']))
							$class_method .= '('.STF_Util::args($trace['args']).')';
							$class_method .= '()';
			$class_method .= ' | ';

		return $class_method;
	protected function log($args, $level=1, $backtrace=null)
		// echo '
'.__METHOD__.'() $this->log_level: '.STF_Util::loop($this->log_level)."
\n"; if($level <= $this->log_level) { if($args instanceof STF_LogMessage) { $msg = $args->getMessage(); } else if(is_array($args)) { $args = array_map(array($this, 'argLoop'), $args); // $args = array_map(array('STF_Util', 'loop'), $args); $msg = implode(' ', $args); // foreach($args as $arg) // $msg .= STF_Util::loop($arg); } else { $msg = ''; // throw new Exception('Unknown log type '.gettype($args)); } // echo '
\n"; if($backtrace === null) $backtrace = debug_backtrace($this->debug_object); $time = microtime(true); $fulltime = gmstrftime("%F %T Z", $time);// RFC-3339 Timestamp (ISO-8601 Extended Format bastardization) switch($level) { case self::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: $level = 'DEBUG'; break; case self::LOG_LEVEL_INFO: $level = 'INFO'; break; case self::LOG_LEVEL_WARN: $level = 'WARN'; break; case self::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: $level = 'ERROR'; break; case self::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL: $level = 'FATAL'; break; } if(!empty($backtrace[0]['line'])) $file = $backtrace[0]['file'].':'.$backtrace[0]['line']; else $file = ' '; $classFunc = '';//$this->getClassMethod($backtrace, $show_args); // if(strlen($classFunc) > 2)// && strpos($msg, $classFunc) === false // $msg .= $classFunc."\n"; $log = sprintf("%-20s | %5s | %-5s | %s | %s", $fulltime, getmypid(), $level, $file, $classFunc.$msg); if($this->echo_output) { if($this->echo_html) echo $this->formatLogHTML($log, $level); else { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo $log."\n"; } } if($this->file_output) { $log = $this->file_html ? $this->formatLogHTML($log) : $log."\n"; if($this->log_file !== null) error_log($log, 3, $this->log_file); else error_log($log, 0); } } } public function warn() { $args = func_get_args(); $backtrace = debug_backtrace($this->debug_object); // echo "
".__METHOD__."(".print_r($args, true).")
\n"; $this->log($args, self::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, $backtrace); } }// end class Logger